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Student: ex14

Sorting with Comparable (natural order), and introduction to interfaces in java

Part of a series of tutorial articles about a Student class.

Code examples referred to on this page can be found here:

NOTE: NOT YET UPDATED FOR JAVA 17 and JUNIT 5 (TODO for W22, 01/05/22)

In earlier CS courses, you probably learned about algorithms to sort arrays, including:

  • Selection Sort
  • Insertion Sort
  • Heap Sort
  • Mergesort
  • Quicksort
  • etc.

While it is important to study these algorithms as part of your computing education, in practice, you should likely almost never be implementing them yourself.

That is because nearly every programming language has built-in sort routines that you should take advantage of instead. These are likely written to be as efficient, or more efficient, than any sort you would write yourself.

The key is to know how to take advantage of these algorithms.

As you may know, while sorting algorithms differ, most have, embedded in them somewhere, a step where they compare elements and swap them when they are out of order.

While swapping is pretty much always the same, it’s the comparison that is different when you are comparing, say, integers, vs. floats, vs. strings, vs. Student objects.

The key to using built-in sorts, therefore, whether in Java, or C++, Python, Ruby etc., typically involves providing a comparison function for the object that you want to sort.

In ex14 and ex15, we’ll look at two ways to do that.

In ex14, we’ll look at implementing the java.lang.Comparable<T> interface. This allows us to define what Java calls a natural order for a class.

If you have an ArrayList<Foo> myarray; for any class Foo that implements the java.lang.Comparable<Foo> interface, you can sort that array can be sorted by simply invoking myarray.sort();.

However, the limitation of the Comparable<T> method is that you can only define one way to sort a particular class. For example, if we define sorting by perm, ascending, as the natural order for Student, then myarray.sort() will only every sort in this specific order.

In ex15, we’ll look at a more flexible way to define sort orders using something called a java.util.Comparator<T>. This is a special object that, as the saying goes has one job. That job is to define a way of comparing two objects of type T. Each Comparator can be defined to sort by a different field; for example:

  • One Comparator might sort by perm, ascending.
  • Another Comparator might sort by name, in alphabetical order
  • Another Comparator might sort (if we add gpa to the Student object) by GPA descending.

Consider also, a Course object that might have attributes department, and course number and section number. We might make a single comparator that sorts first by department, then by course number, and finally by section number.

But we are getting ahead of ourselves. Let’s focus for now just on the case of the simple Comparable<T> interface, and modifying the Student class so that it implements this interface.

What is an interface in Java?

In Java, an interface is typically simply a collection of method signatures.

  • In early versions of Java, this statement basically was all there was to it. An interface had method signatures and nothing more.

  • (As an aside: more recent versions of Java allow interfaces to also have default implementations of some methods. However, we’ll set aside that detail for now.)

As an example, the interface with which we are concerned in this exercise, the java.lang.Comparable<T> interface, consists of this method signature:

int	compareTo(T o)

You can see this for yourself at the javadoc for java.lang.Comparable<T>, at this link:

Also, note that java.lang.Comparable<T> is a parameterized interface, also known as a generic interface. The parameter <T> indicates that we pass in some class (e.g. Student) when we mention the interface.

So, our class Student will not be implementing java.lang.Comparable<T>, but rather java.lang.Comparable<Student>.

Also, as a note: for any class or interface in the java.lang. package, we can leave off the java.lang.. All classes and interfaces in java.lang. are automatically imported by default, as if we wrote import java.lang.*; at the top of our file.

So from here on out, we’ll just write Comparable<T> and know that we are referring to java.lang.Comparable<T>.

What does it mean to implement and interface?

In Java, when we want to modify a class so that it implements an interface, we need to do two things:

  1. Add implements InterfaceName to the class declaration, e.g.
    public class Foo {


    public class Foo implements Bar {
  2. We need to find out what methods are part of the interface Bar, and we need to add implementations of those methods to class Foo.

In the situation at hand here, we are going to modify Student to implement Student<T> so we modify the top line of the class to read:

public class Student implements Comparable<Student> {

And we must therefore add a method to our class with the signature:

int	compareTo(Student o)

What should this method do?

We can find out from the Javadoc for the Comparable<T> interface. You should read the entire thing, but here’s the most important part:

  • Compares this object with the specified object for order. Returns a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this object is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified object.

So, in this exercise

  • We’ll add that method to Student
  • Add test case coverage for it
  • Use it to demonstrate sorting by perm inside