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Spring/React: Github Actions - The specific Github actions in our stack

In the code bases associated with CMPSC 156, we have a standard set of Github Actions. This pages describes each of those. For some, there is also advice on what to do if this job fails.

Note that while these are mostly standardized across the code bases, there may be minor variations. Eventually, it may be helpful to factor out some of these into custom actions so that there is less duplicate code to maintain.


File Brief Description
01-gh-pages-pr-table.yml Refreshes the main page from the list of PRs
02-gh-pages-rebuild-part-1.yml Rebuilds all content for both main branch and PRs and caches it. Operates in parallel. Stores content in cache rather than deploying to reduce contention for gh-pages branch.
04-gh-pages-redeploy-part-2.yml Redeploys all content from cache; operates sequentially to reduce contention for gh-pages branch
10-backend-unit.yml JUnit tests for Java backend
12-backend-jacoco.yml Code Coverage for Java Backend
13-backend-incremental-pitest.yml Mutation Coverage for Java backend (only on changed files)
14-backend-pitest.yml Mutation Coverage for Java backend (on all files)
15-backend-format.yml Formatting check on backend; Run mvn git-code-format:format-code from root directory to fix failures
30-frontend-tests.yml Frontend unit tests (jest)
32-frontend-coverage.yml Frontend code coverage (nyc)
33-frontend-pr-mutation-testing.yml Frontend Mutation Testing (Stryker), incremental
34-frontend-main-mutation-testing.yml Frontend Mutation Testing (Stryker), full
35-frontend-format.yml Formatting check on frontend; Run npm run format from frontend directory to fix failures
36-frontend-eslint.yml Linter for frontend code; Run npx eslint --fix src from frontend directory to list issues to fix
40-check-production-build.yml Makes sure that when the backend and frontend are built with PRODUCTION=true that the build succeeds.
52-storybook-main-branch.yml Build the storybook for the main branch
54-storybook-pr.yml Build the storybook for a PR
55-chromatic-pr Update chromatic (online storybook and visual difference testing) for a pr to main
56-javadoc-main-branch.yml Build the javadoc for the main branch
58-javadoc-pr.yml Build the javadoc for a PR
82-pull-request-slack-msg.yml When there is a Pull Request, send a slack message
98-copy-issue-by-number.yml Copy an issue by number from the original repo
99-copy-issues.yml Copy all issues for this quarter from the original repo


For details on each job, click the triangle.


Refreshes the main page from the list of PRs.

If it fails: Just try rerunning, especially if it fails on the Deploy step.

02-gh-pages-rebuild-part-1.yml</summary> Rebuilds all content for both main branch and PRs and caches it. Operates in parallel. Stores content in cache rather than deploying to reduce contention for gh-pages branch.

The purpose of this job is to refresh all of the content on the github pages site in the event that the entire site needs to be rebuilt. Accordingly, it is made up of many smaller jobs.

If it fails: Look for which part of it failed, and then consult the advice for the job that’s closest in function to the part that failed. For example, if it failed at the javadoc step, look at the advice about the javadoc jobs (further down on this page.) </details>


Redeploys all content from cache; operates sequentially to reduce contention for gh-pages branch.

If it fails: This one fails often at the Deploy step due to contention for the gh-pages branch, so just re-running it often fixes the problem.


JUnit tests for Java backend.

If it fails: Try running mvn test or mvn clean test to determine which unit test is failing. Fix the tests, then run again.


Code Coverage for Java Backend.

If it fails: First, make sure that mvn test has a green test suite. Then try mvn test jacoco:report to determine what is failing. You can also just consult the github pages site for the repo and look under jacoco for the PR in question.


Mutation Coverage for Java backend (only on changed files).

If it fails: First, make sure that mvn test has a green test suite. Then try mvn pitest:mutationCoverage to determine what is failing. You can also just consult the github pages site for the repo and look under pitest for the PR in question.


Mutation Coverage for Java backend (on all files).

If it fails: First, make sure that mvn test has a green test suite. Then try mvn pitest:mutationCoverage to determine what is failing. You can also just consult the github pages site for the repo and look under pitest for the PR in question.


Formatting check on backend.

If it fails: Run mvn git-code-format:format-code from root directory to fix failures. Be sure to commit the result.


Frontend unit tests (jest).

If it fails: In the frontend directory, run npm test. You may need to press a to run all tests.

You also may first need to do these commands if you haven’t done them in your frontend shell recently:

nvm use --lts
npm ci


Frontend code coverage (nyc).

If it fails: In the frontend directory, run npm run coverage.

  • If tests are failing, fix that first.
  • Then address any coverage gaps

You also may first need to do these commands if you haven’t done them in your frontend shell recently:

nvm use --lts
npm ci


Frontend Mutation Testing (Stryker), incremental.

If it fails: In the frontend directory, run npm stryker run.

  • If tests are failing, fix that first (npm test)
  • Then address any coverage gaps

You also may first need to do these commands if you haven’t done them in your frontend shell recently:

nvm use --lts
npm ci


Frontend Mutation Testing (Stryker), full. If it fails: In the frontend directory, run npm stryker run.

  • If tests are failing, fix that first (npm test)
  • Then address any coverage gaps

You also may first need to do these commands if you haven’t done them in your frontend shell recently:

nvm use --lts
npm ci


Formatting check on frontend;

If it fails: Run npm run format from frontend directory to fix problems. Be sure to commit the result.

You also may first need to do these commands if you haven’t done them in your frontend shell recently:

nvm use --lts
npm ci


Linter for frontend code;

If it fails: Run npx eslint --fix src from frontend directory to list issues to fix.

You also may first need to do these commands if you haven’t done them in your frontend shell recently:

nvm use --lts
npm ci


Makes sure that when the backend and frontend are built with PRODUCTION=true that the build succeeds.

If it fails: Try running the following command from the top level directory, which should produce the same result as the failing CI/CD run:

PRODUCTION=true mvn spring-boot:run

Determine what is failing, and fix it.


Build the storybook for the main branch.

If it fails: From the frontend directory, use: npm run storybook. The Storybook should appear on http://localhost:6006. Determine the problems, and fix them.


Build the storybook for a PR.

If it fails: From the frontend directory, use: npm run storybook. The Storybook should appear on http://localhost:6006. Determine the problems, and fix them.


Update chromatic (online storybook and visual difference testing) for a pr to main.

If it fails: It may be an issue with setting the CHROMATIC_PROJECT_TOKEN; see for details.

Locally: Make sure you have a value forCHROMATIC_PROJECT_TOKEN set in .env, then from the frontend directory, use: npm run chromatic.

On Github Actions, you need to set the CHROMATIC_PROJECT_TOKEN as a repository secret.


Build the javadoc for the main branch.

If it fails: From the root directory, run mvn javadoc:javadoc. Look for the errors and fix them.


Build the javadoc for a PR.

If it fails: From the root directory, run mvn javadoc:javadoc. Look for the errors and fix them.


When there is a Pull Request, send a slack message.

If it fails: This is typically something fixed by the staff, so report issues to the staff via the course slack.

Staff: Check that the organization level environment variables are set properly.


Copy an issue by number from the original repo.

If it fails: This is typically something fixed by the staff, so report issues to the staff via the course slack.


Copy all issues for this quarter from the original repo.

If it fails: This is typically something fixed by the staff, so report issues to the staff via the course slack.