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This article describes a more advanced workflow than the Git: Basic Workflow where all work is done on the main branch.

You should be completely comfortable with the Git: Basic Workflow before diving into this more advanced topic.

A quick refresher: create a new branch off main

If you are already familiar with this topic, here’s a brief refresher on how to create a new feature branch. If this is your first time reading about this topic, don’t worry if this doesn’t entirely make sense yet.

To create a new feature branch, first decide on a name for your branch, e.g. 4pm-3-sortCoursesByQtr. We’ll just call the new branch 4pm-3-newBranch

git status
git fetch
git checkout main
git pull origin main
git checkout -b newBranch

An explanation of each of these comamnds:

Command Explanation
git status Be sure there is no unsaved work; if so, deal with it first.
git fetch Update all of the local branch information in your repo
git checkout main Put your repo on the main branch
git pull origin main Update the local main branch to be synced with the main branch on the origin remote (i.e. GitHub)
git checkout -b newBranch Create a new branch called newbranch that starts out pointing to the same commit as main

A workflow based on feature branches

In most “real-world” uses of git/github (e.g. at software companies), rather than working on the master branch being the common case, it is far more often the case that you never, ever, ever work directly on master!!!

Instead, each time you start a new story, issue, feature or bug fix, you start by creating a “feature branch” as an alternative to the master branch.

When you are finished with the story, feature, bug fix, etc. you would do a pull request from the feature branch to the master branch. This could be a pull request within the same repository, or it could be a pull request from one fork of a repo to another.

Using this workflow

You will use this branch method to avoid accidentally making changes to pending/open pull requests while working on other issues. That might happen when you do all your work on master because pull requests don’t use a snapshot of the code from the time that you made the pull request; instead, they point to the branch you are trying to pull from. This means if you push more changes to a branch after making a pull request from that branch, these changes will be reflected in the pull request immediately. And the goal here is to submit each issue you resolve in a separate pull request.

Every pull request should be from a feature branch.

This will also show you how many teams develop software in the real world. In these environments, you never, ever, ever make changes directly to the master branch. Master is for production-ready code. Devvelopment teams use branches to keep in-development projects/pieces separate.

How to

When beginning work on an issue, you should start clean from the master version. git status will tell you which branch you are on. If you are not on master, switch to master with git checkout master (your changes on the other branch will not be lost; they will still be there if you git checkout back to that branch). Make sure you are up-to-date by calling git pull, then create a new branch with git checkout -b BRANCH_NAME.

It is a good practice to start your branch name with the name of your team, followed by a hyphen and then a brief description of the feature you are working on.

$ git checkout -b teamName-text-color
Switched to a new branch 'teamName-text-color'

The -b means to create a new branch; if you are switching to an existing branch, you can just leave off the -b.

As you work on this branch, you will use:

  • git push origin teamName-text-color rather than git push origin master
  • git pull origin teamName-text-color rather than git pull origin master

After you’ve committed all your changes on this feature branch, push it, and then open a new pull request repo from the branch you were working on and include the issue in the pull request description.