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We show how to use React Router along with Spring in this demo repo:

In our projects, we typically put the React Router code into a file called App.js, which represents the “main” file for the user interface of the application.

Here is an excerpt of that code.

return (
    <div className="App">
      <AppNavbar />
      <Container className="flex-grow-1 mt-5">
          <Route path="/" exact component={Home} />
          <PrivateRoute path="/profile" component={Profile} />
          <AuthorizedRoute path="/admin" component={Admin} authorizedRoles={["admin"]}/>
          <Route path="/about" component={About} />
      <AppFooter />

As you can see, there are three types of routes shown:

  • Route does not require you to be logged in
  • PrivateRoute requires you to be logged in
  • AuthorizedRoute requires you to be logged in with a specific role

Here’s some more detail on each of these:

<Route ... /> does not require you to be logged in; these routes are always available. Use this for routes to read-only views of public information.

<PrivateRoute ... />requires the user to be logged in, but with no particular role. Anyone on the internet that has a Google account (assuming the app uses Google as the souce of OAuth info) would be able to access these routes.

<AuthorizedRoute ... />requires the user to be logged in with a specific role (e.g. member, admin).

  • Use this with member when you want to restrict the users based on application-specific notion of member (e.g. they have a UCSB email address, or their email appears in a database table/ or file of “members”).
  • Use this with admin for functions that should be restricted to a very small number of admin users. Initial admins may be defined in an .properties value (e.g.; these might be supplemented by admins in an admin database table.