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Student: ex09

Covering toString with a test and excluding Main gets us to 100% coverage

Part of a series of tutorial articles about a Student class.

Code examples referred to on this page can be found here:


In this example we show how to use the code coverage and mutation testing reports to find which tests are missing and get to 100% test coverage.

In the case of we add the missing unit tests for the toString method.

In the case of, we exclude the class from the code coverage analysis altogether.

Both of these are important things to know how to do; sometimes it’s important to have code covered by tests, and other times, it’s important not to waste time getting test coverage for code where it isn’t really adding any value.

Starting where we left off

Let’s start by running the mutation testing report on the code in branch ex08

ucsb-cs156/student-tutorial % git checkout ex08
Already on 'ex08'
ucsb-cs156/student-tutorial % mvn test org.pitest:pitest-maven:mutationCoverage
- Statistics
>> Generated 10 mutations Killed 2 (20%)
>> Ran 2 tests (0.2 tests per mutation)

When we open up the reports (as we did in ex08) we see that the line of code not covered in is the line for the toString method:

  • Remember: the file to open up to see the reports is this one: target/pit-reports/yyyymmddhhmmss/index.html where yyyymmddhhmmss is a date/time stamp.

So, let’s write a JUnit test for the toString method.

We’ll add that to which is located in the folder src/test/java/edu/ucsb/cs156/student/

Here’s what the code looks like:

    public void test_toString1() {
        Student s = new Student();
        String expected = "[name: Sample Student, perm:9999999]";
        assertEquals(expected, s.toString());

Note that we always start a JUnit test with @Test. This is what marks the method as one that should be run when we type mvn test.

The assertEquals method takes two parameters, the first of which should be the expected value, and the second of which should be the actual value computed by the unit under test, in this case, the toString method.

With this test in place, the first thing to do is run mvn test to ensure it compiles and passes:

On our first run, we get this:

Failed tests:   test_toString1(edu.ucsb.cs156.student.StudentTest): expected:<...ample Student, perm:[]9999999]> but was:<...ample Student, perm:[ ]9999999]>

This tells us that we have an extra space in our actual output that wasn’t there in the expected output. We can adjust either the expected or the actual output to match; we’ll adjust the expected output in this case.

We modify the test like this:

String expected = "[name: Sample Student, perm: 9999999]";

We run again and get this:

Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

Now we can run the mutation tests and see if we were successful. We’ll add clean to the line so that we only have one pit report:

mvn clean test org.pitest:pitest-maven:mutationCoverage

The result is this:

>> Generated 10 mutations Killed 3 (30%)
>> Ran 3 tests (0.3 tests per mutation)

That’s better than before. And when we open up the file, we see that now has 100% test coverage, while has 0% test coverage.

Breakdown by Class
Name          Line Coverage 	Mutation Coverage       0%     0/17           0%   0/7 	100%  11/11         100%   3/3

Now the question arises: should we write tests for this Main?

If we look at what this Main is doing, we can see that it’s purposes were really only to:

  1. Serve as an example of a class with a main method.
  2. Serve as an example of how to pass command line parameters
  3. Serve as an example of how to convert a String to an int
  4. Provide a way of testing our Studnet class before we had JUnit testing set up.

So while we could write test cases for this main method and this Main class, it may be better to instead either:

  • Remove the file from the project altogether.
  • Mark it as an exception, a file to be excluded when we compute test coverage, or

Because it is handy to keep the file around, we’ll try the second approach instead.

In the pom.xml, we find this <plugin> element for Pitest:

                <!-- this is needed to run pitest with JUnit 5 -->

The part to focus on is this:


As a sibling to this <targetClasses> element, we can add an <excludedClasses> element (as described in this post):


We simply specify the name of the class we want to exclude, using it’s full package name. When we run pit again, we see that we now have 100% coverage

>> Generated 3 mutations Killed 3 (100%)
>> Ran 3 tests (1 tests per mutation)

If you open up the full report, you’ll see that no longer appears.

Our jacoco report, however, still shows as having no coverage. We can take a similar step to configure the jacoco report in the pom.xml as highlighted in this post.

This code can go inside the <plugin> element for jacoco, just before the closing </plugin> tag:


This excludes the Main. Note that for jacoco, we need to specify .class on the end, while for Pit, we leave that out.

Now that we have 100% test coverage both in our jacoco and our pit report, we can proceed to actually adding some more functionality to our Student class. We’ll do that in ex10.