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Local Conventions

To run jest on repos set up using the Spring/React conventions used in CS156, use these commands:

Note: All of these are run from the javascript subdirectory of the project.

Command Description
npm test runs the test suite
npm run coverage generates a coverage report

The detailed coverage report (with line-by-line reports for each source file) can be found by opening this file in a web browser:

  • javascript/coverage/lcov-report/index.html

Hiding the “Wall Of Red”

When testing with Jest, especially when mocking 404 errors, you can get a wall of red error messages, even on a passing test, like this:


To avoid it, you can temporarily redirect the output of console.error. Note that this can hide error messages that you might sometimes need to see, so use this sparingly.

Mocking “today’s date” or the “current time”

Suppose you have frontend functionality that depends on “today’s date” or the “current time”, for example:

  • HappyCows: Something that displays how many days have passed since the start of a game in Happy Cows
  • Courses: Something that shows how many hours there are until the next class on your schedule
  • Gauchoride: Something a driver shows how many minutes until the next scheduled drive

These often use code like this to get the current date and time:

    const now = new Date();

The problem comes with testing. Given that this will return a different value each time you run the test, how can you ever test this code?

The solution is to mock the Date() constructor so that instead of returning the current date/time when no parameters are passed, it return a predictable value set by the programmer.

Here are two possible approaches:

  1. Use this feature that is available in Jest since version 26 (which I’m pretty sure our code bases are on) as explained in this Stack Overflow post:

    jest.useFakeTimers().setSystemTime(new Date('2020-01-01'));
  2. If that doesnt’ work, here’s an older approach as explained in this Stack Overflow article.

    Note that while the example code uses new Date(1466424490000), you could also use something like new Date("2023-06-04T13:19:11-07:00") which is a lot more readable. The -07:00 marks the date as “Pacific Daylight Time”; use -08:00 for Pacific Standard Time.

     test('mocks a constructor like new Date()', () => {
       console.log('Normal:   ', new Date().getTime())
       const mockDate = new Date(1466424490000)
       const spy = jest
         .spyOn(global, 'Date')
         .mockImplementation(() => mockDate)
       console.log('Mocked:   ', new Date().getTime())
       console.log('Restored: ', new Date().getTime())