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Pull Requests: unwanted files - when you accidentally include many unwanted files in your PR (e.g. node_modules, stryker tmp, etc.

One thing that’s very common among those that are new to git/github is the pull request that accidentally contains dozens (or hundreds or even thousands) of unwanted files.

There are a few commons cases:

  • for Mac users, .DS_Store files
  • for anyone: the node_modules subdirectory
  • for anyone: the stryker temporary files

The root cause: being careless with git add .

The root cause here is that you typed git add . without actually looking to see what that added to your commit.

That’s bad. Don’t do that.

The solution: ALWAYS type git status immmediately after git add .

You will avoid this problem if you establish one simple habit:

  • ALWAYS type git status immmediately after git add .
  • ALWAYS type git status immmediately after git add .
  • ALWAYS type git status immmediately after git add .

I’ve repeated this three times to emphasize how important it is.

But how do I clean it up?

There’s a simple fix here. You basically roll back time to before you did the git add ., and this time, you are more careful about what you add.

To “roll back time”, you do this:

command explanation
git fetch origin Make sure local branch pointers are up to date.
git checkout my-branch Get on your branch (the one with too many files.
git pull origin my-branch Be sure local branch is up to date.
git log Look at all of the commits. Find the commit that’s before the stray files were committed
git reset --soft abcd123 Move the branch back to the commit before the bad stuff happened; but use --soft so that the files don’t change and you don’t lose your work.
git status You’ll see the files that you need to commit.
git add dir1/dir2/file1 Now you add the files you want. Here’s how to add a specific file.
git add dir/dir2 You can add a whole directory, but be sure you want everything in that directory that showed up in red on the git status
git status The crucial part; make sure you are committing exactly and only what you want.
git commit -m "message" Make a new commit; one that has what you want and excludes what you don’t want. Be sure the message reflects all of the changes (you might be replacing several old commits with one now.)
git push origin my-branch --f The -f is because Github is expecting something very different; you are rewriting history, so you have to let Github know that you really do want to completely change where the branch points.

Why not just a new commit that deletes all of the files

Note that you could do this. But if you do, and your PR gets merged into main, from now on, every future developer on this project will curse you.

Just deleting them in a new commit leave all of the add / deletes of those file are part of the github history. Permanently.

Doing it that way makes it so that everytime, from now on, someone clones this repo, all of those files are are part of its history. That means the download of the repo will be much, much slower and the disk space it takes up will be much, much larger, and for absolutely no benefit.

Doing the git surgery necessary to clean that up after the fact is much harder than fixing it now.

So, do it the right way. Roll things back instead so that commit doesn’t end up in the main branch in the first place.

Shouldn’t .gitignore handle this?

In a perfect world, yes. In a perfect world, everything you don’t want to commit (i.e. include in a git add .) would be excluded by the specifications in the .gitignore.

But no .gitignore can cover 100% of the ways things can go sideways.

For example, you can end up with a node_modules directory in your root directory (where the .gitignore isn’t expecting it) instead of the frontend directory, if you were to type something like
npm install package-name --save in the root directory instead of the frontend directory.