PIT Mutation Testing
Quick reference
The maven command to run pitest is:
mvn clean test org.pitest:pitest-maven:mutationCoverage
How do we know whether a test suite for a piece of software is any good?
One way is with code coverage testing, but this is of limited use.
- Test coverage can definitely show you what you are not testing.
- It isn’t very effective at showing whether you are testing well the things that you are testing.
For that, we have mutation testing. Mutation testing involves:
- making many copies of the solution (which is assumed to be correct)
- turning these copies into mutants (copies of the solution with bugs in them)
- checking to see whether those bugs are caught (are the mutants killed?)
One tool for mutation testing in Java is PIT Test, which is explained at https://pitest.org
See also
- Discussion of Mutation testing in https://ucsb-cs156.github.io/tutorials/student_ex08/
- Baeldung Article: https://www.baeldung.com/java-mutation-testing-with-pitest