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Student: ex08

Setting up pitest mutation testing

Part of a series of tutorial articles about a Student class.

Code examples referred to on this page can be found here:


In this example we go beyond line and branch coverage, to an even better way of checking the rigor of a test suite: mutation testing.

What is mutation testing

The website for pitest has a nice summary of what mutation testing is, so I’m just going to quote from it:

What is mutation testing?

How it works in 51 words

Mutation testing is conceptually quite simple.

Faults (or mutations) are automatically seeded into your code, then your tests are run. If your tests fail then the mutation is killed, if your tests pass then the mutation lived.

The quality of your tests can be gauged from the percentage of mutations killed.


Really it is quite simple

To put it another way - PIT runs your unit tests against automatically modified versions of your application code. When the application code changes, it should produce different results and cause the unit tests to fail. If a unit test does not fail in this situation, it may indicate an issue with the test suite.

#Why? What’s wrong with line coverage?

Traditional test coverage (i.e line, statement, branch, etc.) measures only which code is executed by your tests. It does not check that your tests are actually able to detect faults in the executed code. It is therefore only able to identify code that is definitely not tested.

The most extreme examples of the problem are tests with no assertions. Fortunately these are uncommon in most code bases. Much more common is code that is only partially tested by its suite. A suite that only partially tests code can still execute all its branches (examples).

As it is actually able to detect whether each statement is meaningfully tested, mutation testing is the gold standard against which all other types of coverage are measured.

So how does this work in practice?

So, to clarify, you will run mutation testing once you’ve gotten to 100% line/branch coverage, or as close to it as you can get. At that point, you run:

mvn test org.pitest:pitest-maven:mutationCoverage

(Yeah, no one is going to expect you to memorize that command. We might expect you to know mvn compile, mvn package, and mvn test, and maybe even mvn test jacoco:report, but not this one.)

When you run that command, each of the java files under src/main/java will be mutated; the pitest software will create mutant versions of that code in an attempt to deliberately introduce bugs.

Then, each of those mutants meets one of two fates:

  • killed if test suite finds it (i.e. if if fails some test in the test suite)
  • survives if the test suite doesn’t detect the mutation

There is also a third possibility: if the portion of the code mutated is never even run by the test suite, you might get a report that there was no coverage.

As an aside, this highlights the justification for separating out the src/main/java code from the /src/test/java code:

  • We use the code in src/test/java to check the correctness of the code under src/main/java
  • We mutate the code under src/main/java in order to evaluate the tests under src/test/java.

The output of the pitest report will show you how many mutants are killed, survived, or had no coverage. The goal is to kill 100% of the mutants.

How to set up pitest coverage for a Maven project

To set up pitest coverage for Maven project, we only need to make some change to the pom.xml.

We need a new <plugin> in our <plugins> section. Note that as configured, this will only target classes under the edu. package. If we are working with code from other packages, we’ll need to modify the configuration of this plugin:

          <!-- this is needed to run pitest with JUnit 5 -->

Running pitest

To generate the mutation testing coverage using pitest, we use the following command.

mvn test org.pitest:pitest-maven:mutationCoverage

(Don’t worry that I’ll expect you to memorize that. I don’t plan to try to memorize that one myself. You should know mvn compile, mvn test, mvn clean, and mvn package, and even mvn test jacoco:report, but this one is beyond what one can expect to memorize.)

This produces some output on the console, as well as a more detailed report in a file that you can open in a web browser.

The first thing you should look at is the summary at the end of the console report:

- Statistics
>> Generated 10 mutations Killed 2 (20%)
>> Ran 2 tests (0.2 tests per mutation)

A score of 100% is a perfect score, and we are only at 20%. So we have some work to do.

The detailed report of which mutations survived

The output you get on your console will tell you a summary of the fate of each mutant. You can see more detailed output by using a web browser to open up the file:

  • target/pit-reports/yyyymmddhhmm/index.html

Note that yyyymmddhhmm will be replaced by a date/timestamp; each time you run the Maven command to run pitest, it will produce a new version of the report with a new timestamp.

It may be convenient to use mvn clean before running a pitest mutation report; that way there will only be one such directory rather than multiple ones.

Here’s an example of what that report looks like:


As you can see, this a web page that contains a link to the package edu.ucsb.cs156.student. I made a copy of the entire report at this link so that you can explore the entire report, including how it looks when you click on the links:

As you click on the package name, you see this screen which shows you the two source files in the package:


Clicking on the link for, we see that it’s only the body of the toString method that is showing up in red as not being covered by tests. We’ll add this test coverage in ex09.

Clicking on the link for, we see that the entire Main method is uncovered. We’ll discuss that in ex09 as well.

Adding pitest to our GitHub workflow

Though it isn’t required for using pitest, it can be handy to add this into our GitHub workflow (i.e. our CI pipeline)

To add pitest to our GitHub workflow, we only need to add a small number of lines to the bottom of our existing .github/workflow/maven.yml file.

Here are the new lines. These add two new steps to the workflow; each line that starts with a - introduces a new step to the list of steps (this is YAML notation for elements in a list). An explanation of these steps follows the yaml listing

      - name: Pitest
        run: mvn test org.pitest:pitest-maven:mutationCoverage
      - name: Upload Pitest to Artifacts
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
          name: pitest-mutation-testing
          path: target/pit-reports/**/*  

The first two lines introduces a step that just runs the maven command to produce the pitest reports:

    - name: Pitest
      run: mvn test org.pitest:pitest-maven:mutationCoverage

The second two uses a predefined GitHub action that can be used to upload artifacts. It uploads everything under target/pit-reports/. The **/* notation means “everything, no matter how many levels of directory it might be.”.

    - name: Upload Pitest to Artifacts
      uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
        name: pitest-mutation-testing
        path: target/pit-reports/**/*  

Another way to see the Pitest report: GitHub Actions artifacts

Another way to see the pitest report is to let the GitHub Actions run for your repo (which happens each time you push a change to GitHub). When you do, you should see that there is a link for “Artifacts” when you examine the Github Actions results.

If you download the artifacts, you’ll get a .zip file that you can download, and open. Inside that zip file, you’ll find an index.html file that you can open in a web browser. That will show you the Pitest mutation report.





So now what?

The mutation testing report on the code in the ex08 branch shows that we have a lot of room for improvement. We see that out of 10 mutations generated, only two of them (20%) were killed by our tests.

So, in the next few exercises, we’ll go about showing how to improve on that.

>> Generated 10 mutations Killed 2 (20%)
>> Ran 2 tests (0.2 tests per mutation)