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This page is only for course staff

We are using tags/versions/releases as a way to manage the long term development of the legacy code projects.

Accordingly, adding tags/versions/releases should be done only by course staff.

Students may be interested, though, to know how this works in case they want to incorporate a similar strategy into their own independent projects outside the scope of this course.

Convention for tags

For tags, we follow the conventions of semantic versioning, except that:

  • We increase the major version once at the start of student work on each quarter, and at the end of student work for that quarter.


    • v1.0.0 is the start of student work for F20
    • v2.0.0 is the end of student work for F20, i.e. before any “between quarter maintenance” by course staff.
    • v3.0.0 will be the start of student work for W21
    • v4.0.0 will be the end of student work for W21.

    Thus, odd numbered major versions are the start of student work for a quarter, and even numbered major versions are the end of student work for a quarter.

    This allows us to track student work, in contradistinction to work done by course staff.


Adding a tag:

git tag -a v1.0.0 -m "F20 starting point, before student work"
git push origin v1.0.0