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Spring/React: Basic CRUD operations — Create/Read/Update/Destroy for an SQL database table

CRUD refers to Create/Read/Update/Destroy, which are the four basic operations that users need to do on a database table.

Our implementation of the basic CRUD operations includes the following features. Note that this is the basic version; it may need to be tweaked or customized for particular applications.

  • Backend Controller methods to implement api endpoints for:
    • GET (read) for the entire colletion
    • GET (read) for a single row (specified by its primary key, usually id)
    • POST (create) to create a single row
    • PUT (update) to update an existing row
    • DELETE (destroy) to delete a single row
  • Frontend React components for:
    • a form for creating and/or updating a single database row
    • a table for listing either a single row, or a collection of many rows
  • Frontend React pages:
    • An index page that
      • uses the table component and a backend GET endpoint for all records in the table to list the entire table.
      • has a button at the top of the page that links to the Create page.
      • has a button in each row to navigate to a details page for that row
      • has a button in each row to navigate to an edit page for that fow
      • has a button in each row that invokes the backend DELETE method and then refreshes the page
    • A create page that uses the form component and the POST endpoint to create a new row
    • An edit page that:
      • uses the GET endpoint to populate the form component with data
      • allows the user to edit the data
      • submits the updated row with a PUT operation to update the data
    • A details page that:
      • Uses the GET endpoint for a single row to populate the table with a single row to show the data
      • On this page, the detail button should not appear; the edit and delete buttons are nice to have but optional.

# Integration of the Frontend and Backend

## Index page

Here is some example code for integrating the frontend of an index page with the backend, along with explanation. The sample code is frontend/src/main/pages/UCSBDates/UCSBDatesIndexPage.js from

The parts that may need some explanation are these:

  const currentUser = useCurrentUser();

This gets an object representing the current user. This object can be used to determine:

  • whether the user is logged in or not
  • whether the user is, or is not, an admin (or has any other application specific roles)

That object can be passed into the table component, as shown here, so that the table component can hide or show specific columns:

  <UCSBDatesTable dates={dates} currentUser={currentUser} />

You can look inside the code for UCSBDatesTable to see how currentUser is used to hide or show columns based on whether the user is, or is not, an admin.

The next code that may need some explanation is this.

 const { data: dates, error: _error, status: _status } =
      // Stryker disable next-line all : don't test internal caching of React Query
      { method: "GET", url: "/api/ucsbdates/all" },

This code invokes a hook called useBackend that is custom for UCSB’s CMPSC 156 course, and it a a wrapper around three methods from the library react-query (documented here: namely: useQuery, useMutation and useQueryClient).

There are three parameters to useBackend:

  • queryKey (e.g. ["/api/ucsbdates/all"] in the example above)
  • axiosParameters (e.g. ` { method: “GET”, url: “/api/ucsbdates/all” },` in the example above)
  • initialData (e.g. ` []` in the example above)

Here’s what each of them do:

  • queryKey is a list of keys to a cache that is used to store the results of the query to the backend. Query results are cached and reused until the key is invalidated, e.g. by an operation such as POST, PUT or DELETE that might affect the results of the query. The idea is that mutations to the table should specify this key if they would cause the query to need to be performed again. We’ll see examples of this when we discuss the implementation of Create, Update and Destroy operations.
  • axiosParameters is an object passed to the axios library (documented here: ) that is used to retrieve data from the backend. This is where we specify the http method (e.g. GET) and the url ( e.g. “/api/ucsbdates/all”). Typically useBackend is used only for GET operations; for POST, PUT or DELETE we use a different hook called useBackendMutation which we’ll cover below.
  • initialData specifies what should be used initially as the result of the query until the api call completes. For example, in the case of a table that shows all of the database records, the initial value is an empty array. That will be replaced by an array containing one object for each row when the api call completes.

The lefthand side of the call to useBackend uses Javascript destructuring; the result that is returned is an object with keys as defined by the specification for the return value of useQuery from react-query. In this example, we have:

 const { data: dates, error: _error, status: _status } =

This shows that the data is being placed into a variable called dates, and information on errors and status is placed into variables _error and _status, with the leading underscores indicating that we are not currently using the values of those variables.

The value that is returned, dates is passed into the component to render the table:

   <UCSBDatesTable dates={dates} currentUser={currentUser} />

A common error is getting this variable incorrect due to copy/paste errors from example code (e.g. forgetting to change dates to hotels).

Create page

Here is some example code for integrating the frontend of an create page with the backend, along with explanation. The sample code is frontend/src/main/pages/UCSBDates/UCSBDatesCreatePage.js from

The parts that may need some explanation are these:

First, we have this function, which takes an object representing one row in the database (i.e. a newly created object that we want to POST to the database) and turns it into an object that represents the parameters we pass to axios, which is the library we use to connect to the backend.

This function typically requires us to specify the url (e.g."/api/ucsbdates/post", , the http method (POST), and then an object that is in the format expected by the backend endpoint.

  const objectToAxiosParams = (ucsbDate) => ({
    url: "/api/ucsbdates/post",
    method: "POST",
    params: {
      quarterYYYYQ: ucsbDate.quarterYYYYQ,
      localDateTime: ucsbDate.localDateTime

The next section of code is a function that is called when the operation is succesful. In this case, it uses the react-toastify library (documented here: ) to put a message on the screen with information to confirm that the add was sucessful. This isn’t always strictly necessary, but it can be helpful to have an indication that the operation worked, especially when debugging. For real applications, it’s up to the application designers whether this is helpful, or distracting.

  const onSuccess = (ucsbDate) => {
    toast(`New ucsbDate Created - id: ${} name: ${}`);

The next section of code is the part that is used to actually do the POST operation. It uses the function useBackendMutation which is a wrapper around the useMutation function from react-query.

  const mutation = useBackendMutation(
     { onSuccess }, 
     // Stryker disable next-line all : hard to set up test for caching

useBackendMutation takes three parameters:

  • objectToAxiosParams, which was explained above; but note that we actually pass the function itself, not the result of a function call,
  • useMutationParams, which is a way of adding parameters to the useMutation call.
  • queryKey, with a default value of null; this is a list of query keys for useQuery that should be invalidated by this mutation. For example, in this case, since we are adding a new record to the ucsbdates table, we invalidate the key for any previous GET operation to the url "/api/ucsbdates/all". Failing to do this means the table on the index page may not refresh properly. Doing this means that the table will do a new GET operation and pick up the new record.

The next section of code is this:

  const { isSuccess } = mutation

This pulls out the variable isSuccess from the return values of useBackendMutation; this variable is used in the later block of code:

  if (isSuccess) {
    return <Navigate to="/ucsbdates/list" />

This code says that if we’ve successfully added a new record, we can navigate back to the url shown (which is the URL for the index page.)

Finally, we skipped over this bit:

  const onSubmit = async (data) => {

This is the function that is called to actually perform the mutation when we click the button; the code that links the button to this function is this:

  <UCSBDateForm submitAction={onSubmit} />

Be careful with the second parameter to useBackendMutation

A special note about the second parameter to useBackendMutation, which is called useMutationParams. Since this parameter is a javascript object, it is important to use the correct variable name. That’s because the syntax:

{onSuccess },

Is a shorthand for:

{onSuccess: onSuccess },

So, if you need to rename the variable onSuccess for any reason (e.g. to onPostSuccess, make sure you replace this with:

{onSuccess: onPostSuccess}, // correct

and not:

{ onPostSuccess }, // incorrect

The return value mutation is an object, and is the return value from a call to the useMutation function from react-query.

The same advice applies to the left hand side of this assignment:

  const { isSuccess } = mutation

If you want to call it foo instead of isSuccess, use:

  const { isSuccess: foo } = mutation;  // correct


  const { foo } = mutation;  // incorrect

Edit page

Here is some example code for integrating the frontend of an edit page with the backend, along with explanation. The sample code is frontend/src/main/pages/UCSBDates/UCSBDatesEditPage.js from

TODO: continue this…

Details page

TODO: fill this in