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What is Chromatic?

According to their website:

Chromatic is a visual testing & review tool that scans every possible UI state across browsers to catch visual and functional bugs. Assign reviewers and resolve discussions to streamline team sign-off.

Storybook version 8 (which we are migrating to during Summer 2024) integrates with the Chromatic webapp.

Creating an account

You’ll need to create an account on; we suggest using your Github id so that you’ll be able to integrate Chromatic with the Github based projects you’ll be working on in this course.

Creating a project

When you create a project on Chromatic, it is typically aligned with a specific repo on Github.

You need to do this in order to obtain a project specific token; this value is placed in both:

  • The variable CHROMATIC_PROJECT_TOKEN in the .env file at the top level of the repo (for using the npm run chromatic command from the frontend directory)
  • The repository Github Actions Secret value for CHROMATIC_PROJECT_TOKEN.

To create a project, navigate to the page and login. If you see the following, click at the right hand side of the top navigation where it says Go to app →


Then, you should see a page with a top navigation bar like this one:


Click upper left to expose the menu, and you should see a menu like this:


Select either your github account, or the github organization that contains the project you want to create. Note the the repo for this project should already exist.

You should then see a page like this. Note that blank-storybook might not appear; that’s a project that I had already created.


To create a new project, click the Add Project button. You’ll see a list of repos that you can choose from, something like this. Select the correct repo:


Youll then see this page. Click on “Storybook”


On the next page, you’ll see some npm and npx commands; for repos in this course, you typically won’t need to use the npm commands since support for Storybook and Chromatic will already be built into the project.


However, if you look at the second command, you should go ahead and run it to connect the project to Chromatic.

npx chromatic --project-token=chpt_beef1234567890a  

In addition, you should copy the value after the = sign (e.g. chpt_beef1234567890a) and use this as the value of CHROMATIC_PROJECT_TOKEN; put it in the .env file (which does NOT get committed to Github), and define it as a Github Actions Repository Secret. (Note that the value above is a fake example value.)

To add a Github Actions Repo Secret, navigate to the Setting page for the repo, and find this in the side navigation:


Click New Repository Secret


Paste in CHROMATIC_PROJECT_TOKEN as the name, and the token value, then click ‘Add secret’


For more information


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