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Lecture 08, Mon 01/24

Mon Lecture: Intro to JavaScript / React


Return to in-person instruction

Remote options during in-person instruction

There are several important points I want to convey. I’m numbering them so that if you have questions about any of these, you can refer to them by number.

  1. I will be complying with the University’s requirement that I offer CMPSC 156 as an in-person class starting on January 31st.
  2. This course does have required synchronous participation requirements.
  3. I never, ever, want any student or staff member to feel pressured to come to class in person during a time that they:
    • feel sick, and would not be comfortable in a classroom
    • are concerned that they may be contagious and would spread infecton (Covid-19 or anything else, cold, flu, etc.) to others.
    • are experiencing other life-circumstances that would make in-person attendance excessively burdensome
  4. Accordingly, I will offer
    • simultaneous live zoom, and recordings for all direct instruction from the course staff
    • zoom office hours by me and course staff
  5. I will also be inviting, suggesting, strongly encouraging all teams to make their group meetings during class and outside of class “zoom friendly”, i.e. conduct them in hybrid fashion where needed to allow team members to participate remotely.

This last point is the one that requires some reflection and discussion on your part.

So I’m going to ask you, in your breakout rooms today to make a post saying:

Then, to discuss in your teams whether you are comfortable with making space for one another to participate in a hybrid fashion.

If so, please record that decision in your team’s chat room.

If there is not a consensus on that, please record that there is not a consensus on allowing for hybrid, so that I can follow up as needed.

Note that there are several cases:

  1. Teams that are comfortable with hybrid, and will likely be hybrid during every class (i.e. at least some team members are likely to just stay remote most or all of the time.)
  2. Teams that are comfortable with hybrid, but where it will likely only be used in the case of an unexpected illness; all team members prefer in-person and intend to be in-person except when remote is necessary due to illness.
  3. Teams where the team cannot reach consensus on being ok with hybrid team meetings, and thus there is no-contingency plan for participation of someone if they are sick.
  4. Possibly other cases I haven’t thought of.

Cases 1 and 2 are fine. Case 3, I honestly am not sure what to do about; we’ll just have to handle that if/when it arises. (Case 4, by definition, I cannot plan for in advance.)

Treating One Another With Grace And Kindness

One of the most important lessons any of us can learn is to treat one another with grace and kindness.

I hope that this idea appeals to you intuitively. But in case not:

So, I’d like to apply that general principle to this specific situation:

Note that there may be cases where “I prefer to work from home” is actually a way of referring to a required accomodation for a documented reason while maintaining confidentiality.



I would like to invite you all, out of respect for your fellow classmates to:

Then, as a team, discuss if you are comfortable making space for one another’s preferences.

My hope is that there will be harmony, and a recognition of

Checking in about the status of team01

Each person please make a post in the team slack; you can copy paste this text, and then change the y/n to either y or n:

* y/n: Started coding
* y/n: Controller/Service working in Swagger on localhost
* y/n: Tests passing on localhost
* y/n: Instructor tests for my controller/service passing on Gradescope
* y/n: Mutation testing 25/25 on Gradescope
* y/n: Pull request made
* y/n: Pull request code reviewed by another team member
* y/n: Pull request merged

In addition, please make a post describing any blockers/questions/problems you may have with completing your part of the project before the deadline, or state, “no blockers”.


Introduction to JavaScript and React

We may not get to this today. But if we do, here are some notes:

JavaScript Programming Assignment 00 (jspa00) in progress

This assignment is still a work in progress, but there is some reading you can do if you have finished everything else and want to get an early start.

Create React App

To make a Create React App repo into a GitHub repo

Customized Version of Create React App

I am working on a customzied version of Create React App here:

I started with a plain vanilla create react app. I then proceeded by a series of PRs to customize it in various ways for use in CMPSC 156.

You can find a full list of merged PRs at this link, but here is a list of what’s been done so far as of the time of this lecture:

Pull Request Description
pull/1 move everything into frontend directory
pull/2 create directory structure
pull/3 add github actions script for frontend-tests
pull/4 add bootstrap and a basic layout, some example componets/pages, tests
pull/5 add storybook
pull/6 refine QA storybook GitHub workflow to support multiple QA storybook branches
pull/7 modify workflow for production docs to include putting in the file

In Progress: