team03 : Team Project: React Frontend for CRUD, MongoDB Backend

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team03 true Team Project: React Frontend for CRUD, MongoDB Backend Tue 02/15 12:30PM Mon 02/28 11:59AM

In this team project, our starter code has a full frontend and backend. Our main focus is the frontend, but we also introduce one new backend element: working with MongoDB databases.

That’s a lot! The thing is, this is typical of professional level full-stack web projects:

In addition, we’ll practice further with a few concepts we’ve seen before:

Getting Started

Here’s how that will play out in detail:

  1. Someone on your team will navigate to the team’s team03-teamname repo.
  2. Under “Projects” create a legacy project (Kanban board, not the Beta Project), with columns: Todo, In Progress, In Review, Done
  3. Then, you’ll pull in the starter code from STARTER-team03 in the usual way:
    git remote add starter url-of-STARTER-repo-goes-here
    git checkout -b main
    git pull starter main
    git push origin main
  4. Then, as in team02, there is a GitHub actions script which you can manually trigger that should populate your Kanban board with the issues under the /issues subdirectory.
    • You may need to first enable GitHub Actions, and you may also need to enable issue if they are not enabled on the Repo.
    • To enable Issues, go under Settings, then the General Tab, the scroll down to Features: image
    • The script looks like this: image
  5. Then, as in team02, you’ll assign those tasks to members of the team, moving them into the “In Progress” as each task is assigned.
    • You may assign tasks either to individuals, pairs, or even larger groups (so-called “mobs”, as in Mob Programming)
    • But be sure that if you assign a task to more than one person, that each member of the pair or mob is legitimately committed to contributing to working on the task, and committed to getting it finished.
  6. Once a pull request is complete for a given task, you move it into the In Review column
    • At this stage, you seek a code review from a member of the team that was not involved in the coding.
    • If it was a true “all-team mob”, than it’s fine to get a code review from someone that participated, but this is rare.
    • Also, at this stage, if the PR is not “green on CI”, meaning that all of the GitHub actions scripts show green checks, this is when you should address that, before merging the pull request.
  7. Only when the PR is merged does the issue get moved into the done column.

What you’ll do: Content/Product

From a high-level standpoint, you’ll be doing these things:

Set up Tasks:

Coding Tasks:

More about MongoDB

To learn more about MongoDB, you can read these three articles, which also reference code that is part of the starter repo for this project. They should be read in this order, but the third article is the one that is most relevant to this project.

The third article describes how to set up Java classes for a nested collection, which is precisely the problem that is being posed here.
The US Geological Survey API for Earthquakes that we used in team01, has this structure (I’ve edited this to show only two earthquakes instead of the 18 that were returned by this query, in order to keep this shorter; sorry, it’s still quite long.)

    "type": "FeatureCollection",
    "metadata": {
        "generated": 1644953348000,
        "url": "",
        "title": "USGS Earthquakes",
        "status": 200,
        "api": "1.13.2",
        "count": 2
    "features": [
            "type": "Feature",
            "properties": {
                "mag": 2.16,
                "place": "10km ESE of Ojai, CA",
                "time": 1644571919000,
                "updated": 1644648614363,
                "tz": null,
                "url": "",
                "detail": "",
                "felt": 1,
                "cdi": 2,
                "mmi": null,
                "alert": null,
                "status": "reviewed",
                "tsunami": 0,
                "sig": 72,
                "net": "ci",
                "code": "40182864",
                "ids": ",ci40182864,",
                "sources": ",ci,",
                "types": ",dyfi,focal-mechanism,nearby-cities,origin,phase-data,scitech-link,",
                "nst": 72,
                "dmin": 0.01068,
                "rms": 0.3,
                "gap": 40,
                "magType": "ml",
                "type": "earthquake",
                "title": "M 2.2 - 10km ESE of Ojai, CA"
            "geometry": {
                "type": "Point",
                "coordinates": [
            "id": "ci40182864"
            "type": "Feature",
            "properties": {
                "mag": 2.64,
                "place": "10km NW of Santa Paula, CA",
                "time": 1644539746380,
                "updated": 1644905608040,
                "tz": null,
                "url": "",
                "detail": "",
                "felt": 41,
                "cdi": 4.5,
                "mmi": null,
                "alert": null,
                "status": "reviewed",
                "tsunami": 0,
                "sig": 126,
                "net": "ci",
                "code": "40182600",
                "ids": ",ci40182600,us7000gjva,",
                "sources": ",ci,us,",
                "types": ",dyfi,focal-mechanism,nearby-cities,origin,phase-data,scitech-link,",
                "nst": 86,
                "dmin": 0.01655,
                "rms": 0.32,
                "gap": 27,
                "magType": "ml",
                "type": "earthquake",
                "title": "M 2.6 - 10km NW of Santa Paula, CA"
            "geometry": {
                "type": "Point",
                "coordinates": [
            "id": "ci40182600"
    "bbox": [

To summarize the “shape” of this JSON, we have essentially four objects:

We could also optionally set up classes for

Each of these will be set up as a Java class using the Lombok @Data annotation which automatically sets up setters and getters for each of the private fields. The @NoArgConstructor and @Builder annotationsa are also useful (as explained in the documentation above.)

A FeatureCollection, which is the top level object, has these fields.

    private String type;
    private Metadata metadata;
    private List<Feature> features;

It could also have a bbox field of type List<Double>, but we can leave that out. (If you’ve read the three tutorials above, you may recall that we do not have to represent every field in the JSON in our Java objects; we only need to represent the parts of the JSON that we are interested in retrieving, storing, and displaying—though, this requires us to configure the ObjectMapper object (typically the variable is mapper to set DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES to false:

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false);

A Metadata object looks like this in JSON. This time, I won’t give you the Java code, but you can see that it would simply be private String fields for everything here except for the count, which would be a private int.

 "metadata": {
        "generated": 1644953348000,
        "url": "",
        "title": "USGS Earthquakes",
        "status": 200,
        "api": "1.13.2",
        "count": 2

A Feature object would look like this:

   private String type;
   private FeatureProperties properties;
   private String id;

It could also contain a private Geometry geometry object, which might look like this, but I think we can leave that out.

  private String type
  private List<Double> coordinates; 

With that, and the example of the RedditPosts in the sample code, my hope is that you can figure out how to set up appropriate classes under the documents package to represent the JSON objects returned by the USGS (which are a special case of a format called GeoJSON, along with a class under collections to represent the MongoDB collection.

A reminder about open source

Note that this assignment is open source.

The repos are public on purpose.

This isn’t hard. You all know when you are are looking at other team’s work to try to learn, versus when you are just looking at it as a shortcut to learning.

I’m trusting you to do the right thing. This is practice for when, later on, you are all working on different assignments.