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Lecture 17, Mon 02/14

Mon Lecture: Front End


Today’s Plan: Straight lecture on frontend code

We’ll tackle this Epic:

That includes:

The coding will involve mostly frontend skills, things we haven’t done in an assignment before (but will be part of your next assignment.)

Your next team03 assignment will involve:

Here’s a copy/paste of what the epic looked like before we started lecture (note that it might evolve as we groom the issues):

The Epic (as it looked before we started)

In this Epic, we will add frontend support for listing and creating Students.

There isn’t backend support yet for Edit and Delete, so we’ll concentrate on just these two for now.

As with UCSBDate, we’ll allow

We can use the UCSBDate components and pages as a model to follow.

At each stage, make sure there is good test coverage.

Tech Tip: npx stryker run on a single file

Running mutation testing on the entire code base can take a long time. If you know that all of the surviving mutants are in a single file (typically the one you just added), it’s wasteful to run mutation testing on the entire code base each time.

Fortunately, you don’t have to.

Suppose your mutation testing report looks like this:


Clearly all of the problems are in a single file, src/main/components/UCSBDates/UCSBDateForm.js

Here’s how you can run mutation testing on just that one file:

npx stryker run -m src/main/components/UCSBDates/UCSBDateForm.js

In this particular case, the mutation testing ran in 19 seconds on the one file, vs. 68 seconds on the entire code base.