Previous Lecture Lecture 04 Next Lecture

Lecture 04, Tue 01/11

Tue Discussion: checkin on H01, jpa01, jpa02

There are three things to do today:

  1. Group Check-in (required for participation grade)
  2. Fill out pre-survey for extra credit (optional but encouraged)
  3. Help one another with jpa01, jpa02 in teams (optional but encouraged)

(1) Group Check-in

In your team’s slack channel: Each person make a post indicating

For example it might look like this:

 H01: done jpa01: almost done jpa02: not started yet

or even just:

 H01: yes jpa01: no  jpa02: no

You’ll use this infomation when we get to part 3 of today’s lab.

(2) Pre-survey

The link to the pre-survey will be posted on Gauchospace and on the Slack.

This is the pre-survey that is for extra credit, which was discusssed yesterday in lecture.

If you missed lecture, consider watching the discussion of the pre-survey here


(3) Helping one another in your teams

If everyone on your team is finished with H01, jpa01, and jpa02:

If you are NOT done with H01, jpa01, and/or jpa02:

If you ARE done with H01, jpa01, and/or jpa02, but others on your team are not:

Reminder about The #help-lecture-discussion channel on Slack

During lecture and discussion:

Meaning of emoji:

Emoji Code Meaning
👀 :eyes: Staff member posting the emoji has taken responsibility for the issue
:white-check-mark Problem/question is resolved (may be used by student that posted the issue, or a staff member)
🆘 :sos: Staff member that originally put 👀 on the issue needs help from other staff