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Lecture 16, Wed 02/10

Wed Lecture: Continuation of Mon lect, with focus today on React

A few things from last time

I was mistaken about Google restricting us to only UCSB users in our OAuth apps.

If you would like to try testing with non-ucsb gmails, to check whether the ‘guest’ role works properly, you can do so by:

Then, you can log into your app with non-UCSB Google email addresses. Sometimes this is useful for testing, since you can make those accounts have differnet privileges from your UCSB email address.

Please note that you are not required to do this. It’s just an option you have if you find it useful.

A question/comment from a student:

Last time, after class, a student asked this in chat:

These projects just seem crazy for me. How did the instructor team manage to create those full-stack projects? The idea of being familiar with multiple languages, databases, and linking them together sounds overwhelming.

Let’s discuss that a bit!

May I delete my jpa02 from Heroku to make space?

Yes! And we’ll let you know when you may delete jpa03 as well