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Lecture 7, Wed 01/20

Wed Lecture: Team deployment of jpa03 (jpa04)

Note: Discuss working on CSIL vs. working on your local machine.

In your Breakout Groups: start on jpa04

The assignment jpa04 is essentially the same as jpa03, except you are doing it as a team. This sets up some of the infrastructure and skills you’ll need for working on the legacy code projects later in the course.

There are nine distinct jobs (A-I) that you should divide among the members of your group (see list below). Instructions for each of these follows later in these notes.

Choose a facilitator for today’s discussion; that person should share their screen and bring up the team slack channel in Zoom.

Let n be the number of group members that are present today in lecture; e.g. n may be 4, 5 or 6. Divide up the first n tasks from the items A-H, among the members of the group that are present.
Note the names of any group members that are absent.

Make a post in your team’s zoom channel indicating which team members is assigned to each of the first n tasks, and any group members that are absent


For team-4pm-1 (not a real team)
* A: Kelsey
* B: Jody
* C: Lane
* D: Morgan

Absent today: Grayson

Then as team members finish with a task, you should each make a post indicating that in the team’s slack channel, and then take on the next task in the list.


Jody: I'm done with B.  I'm taking on E.

The goal is to try to get through all of these during today’s lecture; though if that proves unfeasible, you should at least get through the first five steps (A-E). The rest can be done between now and Monday.

NOTE on items (A) and (B):

(A,B) Inviting Additional members to Auth0 Shared Tenant

Two members of your group shoudl have an invitation to a shared auth0 tenant with a name such as:

First task is to accept your own invitation.

Next, switch tenants to the team tenant (there is a “Switch Tenant” option in the menu at the upper right of the dashboard, where your login name is.)

Then, from the same menu, choose the “Invite Admin” feature to invite the other admins.

The person with job “A” should get the email addresses of all of the other team members.

The person with job “B” should get the email addresses of all of the staff; these are posted in the #class-notes channel on the course Slack.

When you have finished inviting all of the other members of your team (A) or the staff (B), you are done with this task. Post on the team slack channel that you are finished, and assign yourself the next task that needs to be completed. If all tasks have been assigned, pair with someone that is still working on theirs.

(C) Setting up a shared Heroku app

Now, one member of your team should log into Heroku and set up a shared Heroku app with the following name, substituting in your team name as appropriate:

Then, go to the tab for Access

Add the emails of each of your fellow team members.

When you’ve done that, task C is complete. Post on the team slack channel that you are finished, and assign yourself the next task that needs to be completed. If all tasks have been assigned, pair with someone that is still working on theirs.

(D) Inviting all staff to your shared Heroku app.

Visit your team’s shared heroku app, jpa03-w21-team-5pm-1.

Then, go to the tab for Access

Add the emails of each of the course staff. these are posted in the #class-notes channel on the course Slack.

When you’ve done that, task D is complete. Post on the team slack channel that you are finished, and assign yourself the next task that needs to be completed. If all tasks have been assigned, pair with someone that is still working on theirs.

(E) Populate your team’s shared Github repo with the starter code for jpa03

There should already be a repo for your team (substitute your team’s name in place of team-5pm-1, and everyone on your team should have access to it. (If that’s not the case, check in with the staff)

Follow the instructions from to clone this repo, and then populate it with the starter code for jpa03.

When you’ve done that, task E is complete. Post on the team slack channel that you are finished, and assign yourself the next task that needs to be completed. If all tasks have been assigned, pair with someone that is still working on theirs.

(F) Configure the CI/CD pipeline, i.e. the repo level secrets for CODECOV_TOKEN and TEST_PROPERTIES

This step depends on step E being completed first, i.e. the repo needs to exist.

Follow the instructions in the file docs/ to set up the secrets for CODECOV_TOKEN and TEST_PROPERTIES for the repo, so that it passes it’s CI/CD tests, i.e. gets a green check on Github.

When you’ve done that, task F is complete. Post on the team slack channel that you are finished, and assign yourself the next task that needs to be completed. If all tasks have been assigned, pair with someone that is still working on theirs.

(G) Do the setup steps to make the secrets for the app (i.e. create a temp-credentials.txt file), and then share the contents of that in your team’s channel.

By the time someone takes this on, there are likely multiple team members available

This step is the most complex one, and one where it is very helpful to pair, or “mob”

This step involves going through the setup instructions (the docs/ version) from your repo to generate a temp-credentials.txt file. That file should not be committed to the repo!

It is in the .gitignore for a reason: the client id and client secret it contains is a security risk if it leaks.

Instead, share it among your team using Slack DMs (direct messages). That information can then be used by any team members to complete step H.

When you’ve done that, task G is complete. Post on the team slack channel that you are finished, and assign yourself the next task that needs to be completed. If all tasks have been assigned, pair with someone that is still working on theirs.

(H) Deploy the app first on localhost, then on the team’s shared Heroku deployment.

This step depends on step G being completed first, i.e. you need the temp-credentials.txt file information to complete it.

Everyone on the team should eventually do the first part (i.e. getting the app running on localhost). That involves only

One member of the team, though, needs to go through the process of setting up the application on the teams’s shared jpa03 Heroku application and deploying the main branch.

When that is done, the team is done with it’s responsibilities for this lab.

This will be written up as jpa04, a grade that is part of the “programming assignment” portion of your grade, but which is assigned at the team level.

Grading rubric: