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Lecture 3, Mon 01/11
Monday Lecture: Discussion of jspa01
A few things from online discussions
Java Bytecodes and JIT compilation
- and their relationship to “machine language” and “assembly language”
- Note that simplistic definitions of “compiled language”, “interpreted language”, etc. don’t really fit.
- It’s a hybrid model
Mutation testing timeouts
- Timeouts don’t affect your grade and are normal
- This is related to the halting problem (a topic of CMPSC 138)
Next Programming Assignment: JavaScript Programming Assignment 1 (jspa01)
Today, we’ll discuss jspa01, the first JavaScript assignment.
Before that, I’ll give you:
- a brief overview of the structure of how JavaScript is used in the legacy code assignments
- the role of Jest, React, and React Testing Library
In Breakout rooms
Some of you may still be “initially” assigned to incorrect breakout rooms; I haven’t yet updated Zoom with section and team changes. I apologize for the inconvenience. I hope that will be fixed by Wednesday.
Today: Have everyone do a check in:
- Name, pronouns (as a reminder)
- How was your first week? A rose and a thorn.
- Where do you stand on jpa00, jpa01, jspa01?
What’s your prior experience with Java, JavaScript, React?
This is so that folks on the team know who they can turn to if/when they might need help with things.
Then, if you like, go into individual breakout rooms to ask for help.
If there is additional time, we’ll have a chance for students to work in class on both jpa01 and jspa01, and to ask staff questions.