Previous Lecture Lecture 29

Lecture 29, Thu 12/10

Thursday: Course Wrap Up, planning for the demo

Thank you for your patience and hard work

This course has been really challenging for all of us:

I hope the struggle was worth it.

A reminder to complete online course evaluations before the deadline, which I think is sometime tomorrow (Friday 12/10/2020).

CATME Survey

Each of these counts as a participation grade.

Where things stand


✱ Fixing merge conflicts isn’t necessarily a “one and done” situation. As new code is merged into main, new merge conflicts that were not there before may arise. Often those arise because of code from your own team that got merged into main. So keep an eye on your PRs.

The same thing can happen with tests; tests that didn’t fail before can start failing as code is merged to main, and you rebase on main. So know that it isn’t a “one and done” proposition. You have to keep iterating until your PR gets merged.

✱✱ The description doesn’t have to be super long. But it should be more than just “fixed issue #30”. It should give the reader an idea, from a user perspective, on what changed in the app. It is helpful to note:


Final Course Grades

(Repeated from syllabus)

Your grade will be made up of activities from the following categories:

To convert final averages to letter grades, a standard 10 point scale will be used, with the upper and lower ends of each range as +/- grades, except for A+ grades, see below. There is no “rounding up”; a grade of 86.9999 is a B and a grade of 87.0000 is a B+.

A+ grades: These may be awarded to the very best performing students in the class—but the cutoff for A+ grades will be determined at the end of the course at the discretion of the instructor (there is no pre-determined cutoff—an average of 97 or more doesn’t guarantee you an A+ grade.)

Final Presentation

You may do it live, or you may do it pre-recorded via Video (uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo, or any other video sharing service.).

Here’s a tutorial video on making demo videos from CS48 S20 (Video inception)

Based on the experience of CS48 students, pre-recording is strongly recommended. You will know for sure in advance whether the demo is successful, and whether or not you’ve hit the target length of 5-10 minutes.

Your video should be 5 to 10 minutes long, and cover these points:

The demo should start by covering each of the features that you implemented