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Lecture 16, Mon 11/09

Monday Discussion: Listening to Developers

Today we return to the paper that we read earlier in the quarter. Each of you contributed some text to a repo:

5pm 6pm 7pm
team-5pm-a-NOTES team-6pm-a-NOTES team-7pm-a-NOTES
team-5pm-b-NOTES team-6pm-b-NOTES team-7pm-b-NOTES
team-5pm-c-NOTES team-6pm-c-NOTES team-7pm-c-NOTES
team-5pm-d-NOTES team-6pm-d-NOTES team-7pm-d-NOTES

As a reminder, you wrote a summary of material from Section 4 of this paper:

Where Section 4 is divided up as follows:

Section Title Academia Industry
4.1 What: Differences in Scope well-defined, fixed scope vague, open-ended, evolving scope
4.2 When: Short vs. Long Time Spans short time spans (days, weeks) long time spans (months, years)
4.3 Who: Individual vs. Large Team individuals, pairs, small groups larger teams
4.4 Why: Learning vs. User Needs to learn something to address a user need
4.5 How: Ad-Hoc vs. Professional ad-hoc tools and practices professional tools and formal practices
4.6 How Big: Small vs. Large Codebases small programs large complex systems

Step 1: (Individual, 10 minutes)

Find your team’s repo, and your contribution to it. Read it over again, and perhaps also skim the section of the paper, to remind you about what you read, and what you wrote.

The link to the paper is here:

Step 2: (First Breakout Group, 10 minutes)

Your first breakout group will be with other people that read the same section as you. Look for breakout rooms labeled: Sect 4.1, Sect 4.2, etc. Join the appropriate group.

In this breakout room, choose one person as the “time keeper”, and a second person as the “scribe”.

The scribe should keep notes in a document of their own choosing; they will copy/paste from this document into the main chat window after returning to the main room. Start by writing down the names of the folks that joined your breakout room.

The timekeeper should give each member of the room exactly 2 minutes (you can allocate longer if you have fewer than 4 students in your room) to share what they thought the most important takeaways were from the paper, in terms of what students in this class might need to learn to be well prepared for industry.

When each person has finished, everyone should return to the main room, and the scribe can copy/paste their notes into the main #lecture channel on Slack.

Step 3: (Second Breakout Group, 10 minutes)

Now, join the breakout room for your team. Each member of the team should report on their portion of the paper, starting with section 4.1, then 4.2, etc.

Again, choose a timekeeper and a scribe.

You may refer to the notes in the #lecture channel on Slack, or just report from you own memory, as you see fit.

Step 4: (Still in Second Breakout Group, 10 minutes)

Make a list (as a group) of (at least) six learning goals you have between now and the end of the course, i.e. things that you want to “be able to do” by the end of this course.

They may relate to the six themes in the paper, or they may be different; the point is that they are things that are meaningful to the members of your group, knowing what you know from your own experiences, as well as what you’ve learned from this paper.

Put that list on your team’s Slack channel (e.g. team-5pm-a, etc.), along with a list of the names of the group members that contributed to your discussion.

When that’s done, you are finished with today’s discussion section.