Legacy Code Projects
- Introduction
- What is a legacy code project
- What’s the motivation for this? Why?
- What are the current legacy code projects?
- Establishing Projects
- How are legacy projects chosen and what do we look for in projects?
- How do we choose the technologies that we use in this course? (Tech stack)
- Setting Up Projects
- How are legacy projects set up? (dsre, branch protection, etc)
- How do we determine when a project is ready for students?
- How do we move projects from quarter to quarter?
- The Development Lifecycle
- How do we introduce the deployment lifecycle (i.e. dev, QA, prod)?
- Issues and Epic Planning
- How do we encourage students to write good issues?
- How / why do we use “starter” issues to ease students into the codebase?
- How do we form epics for legacy code projects?
- Pull Requests
- What do we look for in pull requests for the legacy code projects?
- Evaluating Student Teams
- How do we track project progress?
- How do we assign points to student work?
- Completing the Project
- What are some common pitfalls for students when approaching these projects?
Table of contents
- Introduction
- Establishing Legacy Code Projects
- Setting Up Legacy Code Projects
- The Development Lifecycle
- Issues and Epic Planning
- Pull Requests
- Evaluating Student Teams
- Common Pitfalls