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Legacy Code Projects

  1. Introduction
    1. What is a legacy code project
    2. What’s the motivation for this? Why?
    3. What are the current legacy code projects?
  2. Establishing Projects
    1. How are legacy projects chosen and what do we look for in projects?
    2. How do we choose the technologies that we use in this course? (Tech stack)
  3. Setting Up Projects
    1. How are legacy projects set up? (dsre, branch protection, etc)
    2. How do we determine when a project is ready for students?
    3. How do we move projects from quarter to quarter?
  4. The Development Lifecycle
    1. How do we introduce the deployment lifecycle (i.e. dev, QA, prod)?
  5. Issues and Epic Planning
    1. How do we encourage students to write good issues?
    2. How / why do we use “starter” issues to ease students into the codebase?
    3. How do we form epics for legacy code projects?
  6. Pull Requests
    1. What do we look for in pull requests for the legacy code projects?
  7. Evaluating Student Teams
    1. How do we track project progress?
    2. How do we assign points to student work?
  8. Completing the Project
    1. What are some common pitfalls for students when approaching these projects?

Table of contents