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Anacapa Slack Bot

The Anacapa Slack Bot is an in-house Slack application developed as part of the UCSB CS GitHub Linker tool. While the Slack bot is mostly intended to be an admin / instructor tool for analyzing Slack activity, every member of the class can benefit from the “/whois” command, which can be used to identify a student’s team and GitHub username.


The Anacapa Slack Bot is installed via a button in the github-linker app. Just click the Add to Slack button, as illustrated below


You may need to actually open up the various drop down menus to review the permissions on the screens that pop up to review them.

/whois command

In any Slack channel in the workspace that Anacapa Slack Bot has been added to, you can use the following command:

/whois @user

where @user is a Slack mention of the student whose info you would like to look up. This must be a Slack mention - simply inputting a username isn’t enough here.

The Anacapa Slack Bot will respond with the following basic information about a student:

GitHub ID: andrewhlu, Student: Andrew Lu, Section: 4pm Teams: s22-4pm-1

Additionally, a few values have hyperlinks. Specifically:

  • The student’s GitHub ID has a hyperlink to their GitHub profile
  • The student’s name has a hyperlink to their student profile in the UCSB CS GitHub Linker tool (usable by instructors / TAs to view information about a student’s repository permissions and contributions)
  • The team name has a hyperlink to the team in GitHub’s teams interface