You should each be in the In Progress column on your team’s Kanban board
If you are not, FIX THAT FIRST before doing anything else.
- Before each team standup, update your Kanban board
- During each team standup, as each team member reports what they are working on, verify that this is reflected in the In Progress column of the Kanban board.
- There will be a team participation grade today with this rubric:
- 100: 6 out of 6 team members are assigned to something in progress on the Kanban board
- 80%: 5/6 team members are assigned
- 60%: 4/6 team members are assigned
- 40%: 3/6 team members are assigned
- 20% 1 or 2 are assigned
- 0% No team members are assigned.
- If you are finished with your initial assignments, i.e. all of your issues are merged into main, then assign yourself to help team members that need help
- Remember that at the end of the day, these are team level grades