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team01-6a - Adding the fixture

The model to follow here is frontend/src/fixtures/restaurantFixtures.js

The purpose of the fixtures file is to serve as a source of examples objects. It has several use cases:

  • “A single source of truth” to document the fields that you are expecting in an object of this type.
  • A source of example data for the Storybook stories
  • A source of data to be used in tests

The fixtures files are one of the few cases where we implement code, but don’t also implement a test to go along with it.

To create your fixtures file, create a file with a similar name, e.g.

  • hotelFixtures.js
  • bandFixtures.js
  • bookFixtures.js
  • etc…

First, lets understand the code inside restaurantFixtures.js:

Inside the file, at the top level, we see this (with some code omitted so we can focus on the big picture):

const restaurantFixtures = {
   // code omittted  

export { restaurantFixtures };

This sets the variable restaurantFixtures to a Javascript object (delimited by a set of curly braces, { }), and then exports that variable so that you can import the variable in another file with code like this (from RestaurantForm.stories.js

import { restaurantFixtures } from 'fixtures/restaurantFixtures';

Diving a bit deeper into the restaurantFixtures object, but still omitting some detail, we see that the structure of the object is a set of key/value pairs. The two keys in this case are oneRestaurant and threeRestaurants. In each case, the values are arrays (delimited in Javascript by a set of square brackets, [ ]). Keys are followed by a colon (‘:’) and then the value. Key/value pairs are separated by commas.

const restaurantFixtures = {
      // details omitted

      // details omitted

Finally, we can look inside oneRestaurant and see that the value of oneRestaurant is an array containing a single object representing the fields in a restaurant:

       "id": 1,
        "name": "The Habit",
        "address": "888 Embarcadero del Norte",
        "city": "Isla Vista",
        "state": "CA",
        "zip": "93117",
        "description": "Burgers and Fries"      

Note that in the current starter code STARTER-team01, our implementation only provides for id, name, and description. The intent is to eventually implement the fields address, city, state, and zip as well. For the fixtures you create, it is only necessary to put in fields for id and the three fields you intend to implement as part of your CRUD operations.

The value of threeRestaurants is similar, so we won’t describe it in detail, but look it over before continuing to make sure you understand the code.

Now, you are ready to create a fixtures file for your object. For the instructions, we’ll assume that you are creating fixtures for a hotel; adjust the instructions accordingly for your object.

  1. Start with a copy of restaurantFixtures.js
  2. Do a search/replace on restaurant, replacing it with hotel (or whatever).
  3. Replace the object inside what was oneRestaurant but is now, for example, oneHotel, with one that has the key/value pairs of the fields you want for your object. Keep the id field (which should be an integer), but replace the other fields of restaurant with key/value pairs that are appropriate for your object. You need a minimum of three fields beyond id; you can implement more if you like, but since this is just an exercise, I suggest you keep it simple.
  4. Now replace the objects inside threeHotels with three objects that are different from (and have different id values) from the ones in your oneHotel object. I suggest that you keep the sample ids as 2, 3, 4, since that will make coding the tests later easier—the example tests expect the id of one of the fixtures to be 2, 3 and 4. But it’s your choice. Just know that if you choose different id numbers, you’ll need to adjust the testing code later accordingly.
  5. When your new hotelFixtures.js file (for example) is done, commit the change, and do a pull request.

    For your PR title, use something like Add fixtures for hotel objects.

    Normally a PR description might need to contain screenshots, or testing instructions, but in this case, it can be very simple. I suggest something like this:

    In this PR, we add fixtures for hotel objects to be used in testing and storybook entries.
  6. When you’ve made the PR, drag the issue on the Kanban board into In Review.
  7. Then, assign yourself a new issue from ToDo, and drag that into the In progress column, and start work on that issue.