What to do today:

  • Each team member, please do a written standup update in your slack channel. You can do these updates at any time starting from now up until your scheduled section time.
  • Begin familiarizing yourself with the legacy code project to which you have been assigned.
  • Create your team’s deployment of the app, and begin to familiarize yourself with the codebase.
  • Begin familiarizing yourself with the issues in the repo, and the project board. Things to consider include:
    • What order should you tackle the issues?
      • Ideally you should start with easier issues to familiarize yourself with the codebase before working yourself up to the more difficult issues.
    • Who would like to work on what issues? (You can use the “assignee” feature in github to assign issues to yourself, or to others on your team.)
      • You can work together on issues too, especially on the difficult ones.