Week 02a - 10.08 Tue - Start jpa02 - mini lecture on unit testing, line/branch coverage, mutation testing
Reminder about #help-lecture-discussion
Reminder that during class, you should use the #help-lecture-discussion
channel when you need help from the staff. This allows us to get to everyone in a fair way (first-come, first served), and also to ensure that the member of the staff with the most knowledge about your issue is the one that comes over.
Today’s work: start jpa02
See: https://ucsb-cs156.github.io/f24/lab/jpa02.html
Mini lecture on unit testing, line/branch coverage, mutation testing
Prof. Conrad gave a mini-lecture on
- unit testing
- line/branch coverage
- mutation testing
We’ll post the video when it’s available. In the meantime, there are resources in the lab itself about these topics, so if you missed the lecture, the lab itself should fill in the gaps, as long as you actually read it (i.e. don’t just skim looking for the quickest way to “get done”.)