
Lecture Topic
Week 00a - 09.26 Thu Introduction to CS156
Week 01a - 10.01 Tue Installation and Accounts
Week 01b - 10.02 Wed jpa00 - first Java programming assignment
Week 01c - 10.03 Thu P05 - divide up LTD, jpa01 (Spring Boot/Dokku), H01 (LTD)
Week 02a - 10.08 Tue Start jpa02 - mini lecture on unit testing, line/branch coverage, mutation testing
Week 02b - 10.09 Wed More on jpa02
Week 02c - 10.10 Thu Listening to Developers - Jigsaw Discussion
Week 03a - 10.15 Tue Start jpa03 (Configure Full Stack Spring Boot with OAuth, Postgres)
Week 03b - 10.16 Wed Work day on jpa03
Week 03c - 10.17 Thu P07: Update on jpa03, Assign one of six tables for team01; start team01
Week 04a - 10.22 Tue First Standup (on team01)
Week 04b - 10.23 Wed TBD
Week 04c - 10.24 Thu TBD
Week 05a - 10.29 Tue Informed Consent Survey, Start team02
Week 05b - 10.30 Wed CATME, work on team02
Week 05c - 10.31 Thu team01 Retro
Week 06a - 11.05 Tue Start team03
Week 06b - 11.06 Wed TBD
Week 06c - 11.07 Thu TBD
Week 07a - 11.12 Tue Start Legacy Code Projects
Week 07b - 11.13 Wed TBD
Week 07c - 11.14 Thu TBD
Week 09a - 05.28 Tue Retro3 or Work on legacy code projects
Week 09b - 11.20 Wed No Section: Conrad will hold office hours in ILP 2207
Week 09c - 11-21 Thu No class (Thanksgiving)
Week 10a - 12.03 Tue Presentations/Release Notes/Retro
Week 10b - 12.04 Wed Presentations/Release Notes/Retro
Week 10c - 12.05 Thu Presentations/Release Notes/Retro