Week 01a - 10.01 Tue - Installation and Accounts

Today’s activity is Participation Activity P04 on Canvas

  • You are encouraged to come to class to do it, because it’s easier to get help and to help others.
  • Having said that, remote participation via zoom is acceptable. Note that you’ll need a good internet connection, since we’ll be downloading stuff today.

Also note that you can get started on some of this before class and you are encouaged to do so. If you get it all done before class, then all you need to do is come to class (or the lecture zoom room) to check in briefly, and possibly help some of your teammates.

Outline for Today

  1. Check in on your Slack with your name, and what platform you use, e.g. I use MacOS, or I use Windows/WSL or My laptop runs Ubuntu Linux or whatever.
    • Optional: You may want to rearrange yourself at the table so that Mac folks are sitting with Mac folks, and Windows folks with Windows folks, etc. This will make it easier if you run into problems later, since you can check in with your neighbor.
  2. Follow the instructions at this link: https://ucsb-cs156.github.io/f24/info/software.html
    • If you get stuck, check your slack channel to see which team members have the same platform as you. Try to get help from them first.
    • If the folks are your team don’t know, then try the #help-macos or #help-windows channels. Before posting your question, see if it’s already been answered by someone else.
    • If you post a question that has no answer, then copy a link to your Slack post, and post that again on #help-lecture-discussion. Include your table number along with the link to your question on either #help-macos or #help-windows
  3. When you are all finished, go through the checklist at: https://ucsb-cs156.github.io/f24/info/install_checklist.html to ensure that each item works as expected. If it doesn’t, then ask for help (using the same order as in step 2: (1) team slack channel and live people (2) #help-macos or #help-windows (3) #help-lecture-discussion with table/team number and link to your post on #help-macos or #help-windows.

  4. When all items work as expected, make a post on your slack channel that says: “Installation steps for P04: installation check complete”, and post that link to Canvas.
  5. IF YOU RUN OUT OF TIME, i.e. it’s 6:05 and it doesn’t look like you’ll finish:
    • Make a post on Canvas that says: P04: installation check incomplete” and then lists the things you still need to do.
    • Submit that post as your answer to P04 on Canvas. As long as you make a post that reports your current status, and as long as you made a valid attempt to do as much as you could today during classtime, you get full credit.
    • You will still need to finish these installation steps eventually, preferably outside of class, and make a post that says: “Install check complete!” at some point, preferably before your discussion section on Wednesday, but at the latest by next Tuesday. However, the minimum requirement for full credit for the participation grade today is just to get as far as you can with it, and then document what still needs to be done. If you get it all done, that’s even better, but not required for full credit.
  6. Then, check to see whether jpa00 (our first Java programming assignment) has dropped on Canvas. If so, you can get started on it. If not, then proceed to the next item…
  7. If you’ve done all of the items above, then check in with your teammates on the Slack channel and/or in person to see if any of them need any help. If so, please help them as best you can. If not, you are free to go early.