Week 03c - 04.18 Thu: First Standup Meeting (p09), work on team01 (h01)

Today in lecture, we’ll do the participation activity p09 which is your first standup meeting.

Then, for homework h01 which you are encouraged to start in class today if you haven’t already), please make sure you have a dokku dev deployment of team01 as described here:

Hopefully you already have done this! But if not, please do it by 5pm Friday night and submit the link on Canvas.

In this case, we will accept late submissions, but with a strict late penalty:

  • 25% if it is after 5pm Friday
  • not accepted if it is after 5pm this coming Tuesday.

The purpose of this is make sure that everyone on the team is actually getting started with the team project well before the deadline. The projects in this course are not intended to be done “the night before the deadline” but to be done incrementally—a little bit each day, communicating with your team.

First Standup Meeting (p09)

See: https://ucsb-cs156.github.io/s24/hwk/p09

Your instructor or TA will explain the purpose of a standup briefly; for this writeup, I’ll just note that it typically lasts 5-10 minutes and no more.

Standups at the start of every class (mostly) from now on.

Note that pretty much from now on until the course ends, with only a few exceptions, you will do a standup meeting at the start of every class meeting on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

There will be some exceptions, but unless it’s announced, assume there will be a standup.

Please be on time for your standup

Since these happen at the very beginning of class, it is important to arrive on time.

You will find that in many modern software companies, they are pretty relaxed about “start and end times” to the work day; you decide whether you want to work 7am-4pm, 8am-5pm, 9am-6pm, or even 10am-7pm, etc.

But one thing is crucial: you must not be late for, or miss, your standup meeting.

The standup meeting is the way that the team stays connected and on top of things. It’s purpose is to identify and clear away obstacles to progress.

Don’t be late or miss, but if you do, tell your team

Being late for standup, or missing it, should be a rare event, but sometimes it’s unavoidable.

If at all possible, in that instance, tell your team.

  • It’s bad to be late for (or miss) standup.
  • It’s worse to be late for (or miss) standup and not inform your team.

A note about the Participation Activities.

Today’s standup is for a particpation activity, and is part of your grade.

In past instances of CMPSC 156, at about this point in the course, students start to resent the fact that there are so many “participation activities” that count towards your grade. So, you will notice that they start to get fewer and fewer as the course goes on.

While today’s standup is for a participation grade, we will not necessarily be checking each and every one of these as a particpation activity (i.e. for a grade).

The idea of these “participation activities” is to help encourage accountability to the team during the early part of the course, and help establish good norms and habits. Eventually, we hope to reduce the “micromanaging” because it should stop being necessary; the hope is that you will eventually hold one another accountable as part of your team agreements.

So you can expect a few more standups to be participation grades, but not every single one.

Dokku dev Deployment (h01)

See: https://ucsb-cs156.github.io/s24/hwk/h01