All files / components/Commons PagedProfitsTable.js

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import React from "react";
import OurTable from "main/components/OurTable";
import { Button } from "react-bootstrap";
import { useBackend } from "main/utils/useBackend";
import { useParams } from "react-router-dom";
import { timestampToDate } from "main/utils/dateUtils";
const PagedProfitsTable = () => {
    const testId = "PagedProfitsTable";
    const refreshJobsIntervalMilliseconds = 5000;
    const [selectedPage, setSelectedPage] = React.useState(0);
    const PROFIT_PAGE_SIZE = 5;
    const { commonsId } = useParams();
    // Stryker disable all
    const {
        data: page
    } = useBackend(
            method: "GET",
            url: "/api/profits/paged/commonsid", 
            params: {
                commonsId: commonsId,
                pageNumber: selectedPage,
                pageSize: PROFIT_PAGE_SIZE,
        {content: [], totalPages: 0},
        { refetchInterval: refreshJobsIntervalMilliseconds }
    // Stryker restore  all
    const testid = "PagedProfitsTable";
    const previousPageCallback = () => {
        return () => {
            setSelectedPage(selectedPage - 1);
    const nextPageCallback = () => {
        return () => {
            setSelectedPage(selectedPage + 1);
    const columns = 
                Header: "Profit",
                accessor: "amount",
                Cell: ({value}) => `$${value.toFixed(2)}`,
                Header: "Date",
                accessor: "timestamp",
                Cell: ({ value }) => timestampToDate(value),
                Header: "Health",
                accessor: "avgCowHealth",
                Cell: ({value}) => `${value.toFixed(2) + '%'}`
                Header: "Cows",
                accessor: "numCows",
    const sortees = React.useMemo(
        () => [
                id: "timestamp",
                desc: true
        // Stryker disable next-line all
    return (
            <p>Page: {selectedPage + 1}</p>
            <Button data-testid={`${testId}-previous-button`}onClick={previousPageCallback()} disabled={ selectedPage === 0}>Previous</Button>
            <Button data-testid={`${testId}-next-button`} onClick={nextPageCallback()} disabled={page.totalPages===0 || selectedPage === page.totalPages-1}>Next</Button>
            < OurTable
                initialState={{ sortBy: sortees }}
export default PagedProfitsTable;