- Introduction (10 minutes)
- Remote participation / zoom links
- P04 (due at end of class today); takes 5-10 minutes; just CSIL/ssh setup
- A few words about using CSIL vs. your own laptop
- jpa00 (due next Wednesday) — brief remarks
- Overview of P05 (due at end of class today)
- Overview of H00 (due midnight July 4)
- Group Activity P04 check-in (1-10 minutes)
- Check in with team; if not everyone has done P04, two options:
- Give team members 5-10 minute to do it—rest of team, look over P05.
- OR: Save that for end of class
- Group activity: Do P05 (15-20 minutes)
- See P05 link on Canvas or Course Web Site for instructions
- Time to work on P04, jpa00, H00.
If finished with all of those, try getting an early start on jpa01