retro2: retro on team02/team03

Find the retro outline and instructions on the same gdrive where you completed retro1.

As you put down your stop/start/continue items, ask yourself: are the items specific?

For example:

  • if you say: “start project sooner” as a “start” item, can you be more specific about what you mean by sooner?
  • if you say: “stop getting sidetracked” as a “stop” item, can you be more specific about what circumstances are causing you get sidetracked?

You may know at the time of the discussion, but if you come back to it a week or two later, you might not remember. So try to be as specific as possible.

When finished, submit your retro document on Canvas for a participation grade. Only one submission needed per team.

Instructor notes

Click for instructor notes
  • Be sure that the google drive folders are populated with the retro worksheet.
  • Set up the Canvas assignment (see below)

Important instructions for the

  • Be sure that the Canvas assignment is initially set to “Group” with “Assign Grades to Students Individually” NOT checked, like this: image
  • Then, only after assigning the grades for ALL groups, uncheck that box and change the grades of students that didn’t participate, or whose participation should not earn full credit, like this: image

Here’s why that sequence is important if you want to maximize efficiency:

  • If you don’t check the group grade box, then each student must submit individually, and you have to grade each student individually (bad for both student and instructor)
  • If you check the group grade box, but also check the grade students individually box, then you have to grade each student individually. (ok for student, but bad for instructor)
  • But if you follow the workflow above, then only one student has to submit for the whole team (good for student), and then you can grade at the group level (12-16 grades instead of 72-96 grades, good for instructor!) and since the normal case is all team members getting the same score, you can then just put in the exceptions (the few individuals with something other than the shared group grade) individually.

One caution: if you don’t check the “individual grade” box BEFORE starting to change individual grades, then any change you make to an individual grades *automatically impacts everyone on the team”. For example, if you give the team a 95, but then give team member Bob a zero, then all six members of the team get the zero: not good! Instead, check the “Assign Grades to Students Individually” box after grading all teams, but before modifying any individuals grade. Then it all works as you intend: you grade each group, then only grade the individuals that are “exceptions”.

The only bad thing about this workflow is that you may need to manually keep track of the individual exceptions in a separate document or spreadsheet as you make your first grading pass; there isn’t any way I know of within canvas to make those notations on the first pass as long as “Assign Grades to Students Individually” is still unchecked.

Notes on the Legacy Code Project

Starting tomorrow, we start the legacy code projects.

Please plan to be in class tomorrow to get a briefing from Prof. Conrad on your specific project; ideally in person, but at least on zoom.
